Access to Life's Necessities


Unlike those who seek to divide us, we recognize our common vulnerability to illness and disease as well as the special needs of children and seniors, and those who care for them.

Pennsylvanians Together calls for policies that ensure all of us, no matter our race, ethnicity, income, or immigrant status, can go to a highly-trained doctor or a hospital with the best equipment and that we can provide the best care for our loved ones, whether children or seniors, by

• creating state regulations that ensure no one is denied health insurance or is required to pay more if they have a pre-existing condition, as well as limiting the profits of health insurance companies.

• ending our dependence on private insurance by creating a public option for health insurance in Pennsylvania.

• guaranteeing access to essential health and hospital care in all urban, suburban, and rural areas.

• ensuring that every family can secure affordable and quality child care.

• guaranteeing that every senior can retire with dignity, whether in their own homes, their families’ homes, or in high-quality, affordable retirement communities or nursing homes.


Too often, political leaders divide our communities and side with developers and builders, leaving Pennsylvanians with low and moderate incomes—including many people of color and documented and undocumented immigrants—unable to find affordable housing.

Pennsylvanians Together supports protecting renters, homeowners, and future homeowners, by

• creating eviction diversion programs and a “good cause” eviction requirement in every county, as well as fully funding the state’s Homeowner Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program (HEMAP).

• reducing the cost of housing through rental subsidies and targeted tax relief.

• making substantial new investments in housing for those who are homeless, for affordable housing, and for the Whole-Home Repairs program.

• changing zoning laws to encourage affordable housing development in gentrifying urban communities and the suburbs.

• creating programs to train and pay local community members to rehabilitate homes.

Visit the website of our 501(c)(4) sister organization Pennsylvanians Together in Action.


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