Tax Justice


There is no greater sign of how the Right seeks to divide us than our upside-down tax system, which asks working people—especially those who are Black, brown, or immigrants, both documented and undocumented—to pay a far greater share of their income than that paid by wealthy corporations and the ultra-rich.

Our tax system is not only unfair but it keeps us from raising the revenue we need to invest in our future.

Pennsylvanians Together insists that everyone pays what they owe for our common needs by

• enacting the Fair Share Tax, which would raise taxes on profits, capital gains, dividends, and estates and reduce taxes on wages and interest.

• ending tax loopholes so that large multi-state and multinational corporations start paying taxes to the state.

• instituting a severance tax on natural gas drilling.

• creating a working families’ tax credit, piggybacked on the federal earned income tax credit, which would prevent families from being taxed into poverty.

• taxing wealth fairly by creating a state-wide tax on intangible wealth and limiting property taxes to a reasonable share of family income.


Visit the website of our 501(c)(4) sister organization Pennsylvanians Together in Action.


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